Worship & Pray
Worship and pray with us during the week and weekends throughout the year, either in-person or online.
Pray with us:
Lectio Divina | Taize Prayer | Mass
God’s love in action.
Life Groups
Living in community together.
Connect With Us:
50-ish Connection | 60-ish Connection | 70-ish Connection | Divorced, Separated, Remarried Ministry | Fairways To Heaven (Golf) | Book Club | Widows, Widowers, and Friends | Divorce Care | Meditation
Walking with each other on our journey.
Walk With Each Other:
Reaching Out, Sharing God’s Love,
& Changing Lives
& Changing Lives
Reach With Us:
Young Adults
Young Adult Ministry
Infant Baptism | Child Baptism | Confirmation | Children’s Liturgy | KidZone | Worship & Waffles | Together We Pray | Altar Servers | Lourdes Academy | Youth Leadership Ministry