Dear Mom and Dad • August 13, 2023

It was really great being home last weekend.
Being around, easing back in and presiding at the 10:30 Mass. I really enjoyed seeing everyone and even meeting new people at our church. The greatest way to evangelize is by people inviting others to our church and people really do that well. Obviously, I went to “Mass” while I was away, but I didn’t feel the sense of Worship that I get when we gather at Lourdes. I do think we sometimes take for granted the amazing community and worship we have at our parish and it is good to be away to get perspective and gratitude. I am MOST grateful to Rachel and our Praise band. They are truly a gift to helping us praise God.
Next weekend we welcome Fr. John Brito. He is the pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Viera and he will be making an appeal for ” Don Bosco AnbuIllam Social Service Society”. I do know Fr. John and I am sure he will enjoy our parish Worship. Who knows, maybe he will get some ideas for his parish….
Our school community has started a new project. They are collecting old sneakers. More than 300 million pairs of shoes and sneakers end up in landfills every year. Shoes in landfills can take 30 to 40 years to decompose. Harmful chemicals are emitted into the soil and air which pollute our surroundings. More than 600 million people worldwide don’t even own a pair of shoes. New shoes produce approximately 30 pounds of carbon dioxide during manufacturing. It shows our concern not only for the poor but also for our environment. As though that wasn’t enough, this program will send the school $8.00 per pair. The condition of the sneakers doesn’t matter. We have a box in foyer of the church to collect them.
We welcome Rebecca Isaacs as our new office manager. Rebecca is a school parent and surely filling a position we really needed. Her’s will be the new voice you hear on the other end of the phone. We are still keeping our office hours as: Monday through Thursday 9 AM to noon. But we still need help on Wednesday mornings at 10 when we have staff meetings.
This weekend we are appreciating and praying for our education ministry. I invite those in this amazing ministry to our cafe after Mass for some special food.
While I was away, we had the parking lot coated. Vern Weatherholtz gave his service as our project manager of the endeavor. He has expertise in this area and oversaw the whole project. It looks amazing and I am extremely grateful. Thanks VERN!
Wanda Massaro has taken on being cafe’ “manager”. I can’t thank enough all who work hard at the cafe’. There are so many in the background who make it all happen Sunday after Sunday. Between getting it ready, serving, cleaning, etc..etc..etc… We can always use extra hands. It is an amazing team. I am sure Wanda would appreciate anyone who wants to help. I hope folks are thinking about Back to Church Sunday, only 30 days to go…
The countdown has begun!