What is the Eucharist?
The Liturgy is the source and summit of the Christian life. When we faithfully receive the Eucharist, we grow deeper in communion with God and fellowship with one another. For Catholics, receiving Communion is the ultimate acknowledgement that Christ is ever present in us and in the church.
The message of the Eucharist is very clear: at our deepest level, we are incapable of sustaining ourselves. When we come to recognize that God alone can satisfy our hunger and thirst, our lives find balance.
In our consumeristic society today, we may be tempted to treat the Eucharist as though it is a product and we are consumers. The Eucharist, however, is not a product. It’s an embrace. Not a momentary embrace, but a lifelong one. Through our reception of the Eucharist, we are embraced by God, who heals and satisfies our inner ache. At the same time, our reception of the Eucharist is an embrace—not not only of God—but of our neighbors, as well. The Eucharist is not a “me and God” experience. To share a table is to enter into relationship with others. Communion compels us to recognize the presence of God not only in the bread and wine, but also in the flesh of those we encounter each and every day. Our worship of God through the celebration of the Eucharist is meaningless unless it points us in the direction of our neighbors whereby our communion with God is fulfilled by loving our brothers and sisters.
First Communion
Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for children in Grades 2-5, First Communion preparation begins in early spring and concludes with Group First Communion in May.
For those students preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion, participation in Faith Formation grades 1-5 is required. Dates and details will be forthcoming. Please contact Michelle Murphy at 386.255.0433 or for more info.
Faith Steps
If you’re an adult seeking to receive your First Communion or thinking about becoming Catholic,
your next step is “Faith Steps.” Please contact Michelle Murphy at 386.255.0433 for more information.